I have a form with a few bound fields and a few 'custom made' checkboxes, which set values per vba. When I now start a new record with 'DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec', Access clears my form but won't create a fresh ID until a value is entered into one of the bound fields. Since my checkbox-fields are not bound, any changes before a bound field has been edited won't be saved. I tried adding values via sql statements, but access throws an error after I change another field stating that the current recordset has been changed so I doubt that this is the way to go.
My form is based on a query and witch vba I set the checkboxes like [value_x] = true (which works fine when I first enter data into a bound field and thereby a new record is created).
(Another way to avoid this would be to set any bound field during the onload-event to a value and remove the value afterwards. But that's not very clean I guess ..)
event to my custom checkbox, and used that to change the value of a hidden checkbox that was bound to the underlying recordset. – Robert Harvey