
In Rails 3 application I have 2 logical entities - User and Company. I'd like to have 2 different forms for sign up(for users and for companies). Also, will be great to have one login form for both of them.

What I have now - configured Devise+Cancan for User model with two roles(user, company), so I have now "/users/sign_in" and "/users/sign_up".

I'd like to have following urls in my application:


One other question is how to organize relationship between User and Company, should the company inherited from User or I shoud use aggregation - User has_one Company ? I prefer second variant and plan to user user.company with cancan user role = "company".

Please help me with it. Thanks.


1 Answers


You can have multiple models in devise. You can add a company as well.

rails generate devise company

This will get you the url you mentioned.

Regarding the relationship between User and Company It's common to use:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :company

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :users

You have to add a company_id column to the User model in a migration to make this happen. There is no inheritance then. Users and companies are treated completely separate. But you are able to access user.company and company.users.