
I have a drupal 7 site with a page--front.tpl.php that acts as a splash screen. When i enter my site address like www.mysite.com and press enter i m redirected to the splash screen that is perfectly normal. Now, i want to redirect the user to the real www.mysite.com (i.e by bypass the splash screen or page--front.tpl.php) that is my page.tpl.php if a user clicks a link on the splash screen page.

Your help is highly appreciated...


2 Answers


Just set another page up as a home page that you go to once you've gone past the splash screen and either set up a link to it to click on or use Javascript to redirect automatically.

If you want a link:


If you want automatic redirect:

<script type="text/javascript">
function delayedRedirect(){
    window.location = "YOUR_HOME_PAGE_URL"

<body onLoad="setTimeout('delayedRedirect()', 3000)">

Change the number to change the time it takes before the page is redirected.


If your splash page is index.html then add the Javascript between the tags. On your tag add the onload function.

Change YOUR_HOME_PAGE_URL to the page you want to redirect to.

This code is dead simple and literally can't not work.


There is a module in project application queue: Splashify ,queued here

Its an active application. You may either wait for it to become a full project or contribute to it. It would provide you a cleaner implementation.