
Here's a snippet:

<ext:MenuItem runat="server" ID="miMenuDetails" Text="Show details" Icon="ApplicationForm" meta:resourcekey="miMenuDetails">

I'm trying to localise it using .resx files, but it doesn't work. The text is always 'Show details'. Here are the facts:

  • the local resources folder contains Page.aspx.resx, Page.aspx.en.resx, and Page.aspx.de.resx files
  • it also contains similar files for other pages
  • each file has the same resource names (with different values)
  • web.config contains the <globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" /> line

What could be wrong? What am I missing? The above are also true for a different (smaller) page that works. Can it be something in the page code?

EDIT: I also tried this:

<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="en" enableClientBasedCulture="true"/>

but the page still uses default phrases.

Did you get this working? I'm having the same problem.Josh C.

1 Answers


You also need the enableClientBasedCulture="”true”". Look in here for more info about it: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.configuration.globalizationsection.enableclientbasedculture.aspx

In addition, wouldn't it be better to let the user determine the language using a drop down or two buttons?

Look at this article for more info on Globalization & Localization: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/15313/Globalization-and-localization-demystified-in-ASP