I have a Solr index that uses quite a few dynamic fields. I've recently changed my code to reduce the amount of data we index with Solr, significantly reducing the number of dynamic fields that are in use.
I've reindexed my data, and the doc count (as displayed in the admin schema browser) for the old fields has dropped to zero. But I'm confused as to why the fields still exist. I've done an optimize, and restarted the server, but I can't find any information on whether there's a way to get these fields to disappear.
Am I now stuck with these fields unless I create an index from scratch? We're talking about a significant reduction in fields (about 200 -> 30), and I'm worried about the performance impact of keeping them floating around.
I'm using Solr 1.4.
Edit: The dynamic field definitions still exist in the schema.xml, because I'm still using them in a few cases. It's just that the number of fields based on them has been significantly reduced.
None of these fields are stored, only indexed. So I can't see them just by inspecting the documents returned, but I can facet on them.
Here are my results for querying on a field that I'm still using...
<lst name="books_isbn_10_s_exact">
<int name="1010102457">2</int>
<int name="1110011010">2</int>
<int name="1110011013">2</int>
Here are my results for one of the empty ones...
<lst name="mobiles_infrared_s_exact"/>
Both fields are using this field definition in my schema.xml:
<dynamicField name="*_s_exact" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" termVectors="true" omitNorms="true" multiValued="false" />
The only place I'm seeing the old fields (eg mobiles_infrared_s_exact and about 100 others) is in Solr's schema browser in /admin/. Where I can see all the dynamic fields I've ever used, even though the doc count for most of them is 0.
I'm just trying to find out if there's a way to remove them from the schema browser, and also whether there's a performance implication for them sticking around given that I have an index of 10m documents.