We are facing problem applying many-to-many relationship using fluent nhibernate automapping.
The simplified form of domain model are as follows:
public class Group
private readonly IList<Recipient> _recipients = new List<Recipient>();
public virtual IList<Recipient> Recipients
get { return _recipients; }
public class Recipient
private readonly IList<Group> _groups = new List<Group>();
public virtual IList<Group> Groups
get { return _ groups; }
As the code above describes that Group and Recipient are having many-to-many relationship. We are using automapping feature of fluent nhibernate to map our domain model with database. So, we needed to use Convention for automapping. Following is code we used for many to many convention:-
public class ManyToManyConvention : IHasManyToManyConvention
#region IConvention<IManyToManyCollectionInspector,IManyToManyCollectionInstance> Members
public void Apply(FluentNHibernate.Conventions.Instances.IManyToManyCollectionInstance instance)
if (instance.OtherSide == null)
instance.EntityType.Name + "_Id",
instance.ChildType.Name + "_Id"));
I found this solution here :
But in above code while debugging both time for Recipients-> Groups and for Groups->Recipients instance.OtherSide is coming not null. The assumption was 1st time instance.OtherSide will be not null and second time it will be null as relationship is applied on one side so we will just apply inverse to that. So it’s creating 2 mapping tables which are same. It is load to database to have 2 tables of same schema. Even when I try to save our domain model to database using many to many relationship. It’s saving only 1 side i.e it saves Recipients in the Groups , But not saving Groups in Recipients.In database also it is having entry in only one mapping table not in both.
So , the question is Are we doing the right thing? If not then how to do it.