
I am trying to connect to server using keystore which is provided by server team.

While sending service call to server first i created KeyStore Instance by using following api

KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());

It’s returning the keystore type as “BKS”.

The Keystore what server team sent is of type “.jks”(somename.jks) So, I am getting exception “Wrong version of key store”.

I tried by passing “JKS” to getInstance() of KeyStore by following way

KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");       

But here I am getting exception “KeyStore JKS implementation not found”.

Here is the piece of code:

KeyStore trustStore  = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());

InputStream instream = mContext.getAssets().open("somename.jks");

try {
    trustStore.load(instream, "password".toCharArray());
} finally {
    try {
    } catch(Exception ignore) {

Please guide me to solve this problem.

"jks" seems to be default. If this KeyStore is of type "jks", key must be encoded conform to the PKS#8 standard as an EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. taken from here developer.android.com/reference/java/security/… and developer.android.com/reference/javax/crypto/…Sergey Benner

2 Answers


I think Android support 'only' BouncyCastle KeyStores (known as BKS)... You still can use Portecle

To convert it from JKS to BKS, should work like a charm (at least it worked for me when trying to store my .CRT into a BKS format ! ;)

'only' meaning, easily here :p, else you'll have to manipulate stuffs


Other option is to use KeyStore Explorer (downloadable executable for Mac and Windows available online) to switch to BKS (Bouncy Castle KeyStore). Should work good for Android. I had similar issues while using JKS.