
I've been developing an app for android and iphone, and been able to implement sso on android but when I try to implement it on iOS I get the above mentioned error :

"Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid"

The error is shown after I click "okay" to give the permissions to my personal information on facebook to the app

the link in question is : m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?refid=0

here is my info.plist file

<plist version="1.0">
    <string>[email protected]</string>

where xxxxxxxxxxx is my app_id

your question is very confusing. Is there a scheme to the URL you're trying to open? i.e. a http:// in front of http://m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?refid=0 ??Michael Dautermann
I have the same exact question. My plist file is about the same but after clicking "okay" the url is "h t t p s : / / m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth". Any help appreciatedVitalyp

1 Answers


Had the same problem. Solved it having removed the square brackets in the app id


dont use any square bracets around the app id