
I have created four versions of my launcher icon for ldpi, mdpi, hdpi and xhdpi devices. They are of dimensions 36x36, 48x48, 72x72 and 96x96.

I'm wondering what will happen when using a large screen. Consdering large screens are rouglhy 7" + in size a ldpi, large screen will surely not want a 32x32 icon image, located in a drawable-ldpi folder.

I cannot find anything on the dev guide that indicates what icon sizes to assign to large and xlarge devices. Presumably I would put a larger copy of the icon in the drawable-large and drawable-xlarge folder. However, I do not know what sizes to use. Does anyone have any recommendations?


2 Answers


A 7-10" tablet doesn't need anything unusually large. You don't need anything bigger than a 96x96 launcher icon for this use case. There is a table in the Launcher Icons section of the design docs that shows which sizes correspond to which densities.

Have a look at the Declaring Tablet Layouts section of the design docs for more info on how to organize resources for 7-10" screens. (Note that the resource used will depend on the screen density, it is possible that a 7" tablet will have an mdpi screen.)


Google provide an online tool called Android Assest Studio which creates the launcher icons in the correct size for you. http://android-ui-utils.googlecode.com/hg/asset-studio/dist/icons-launcher.html