I'm just starting working with CORBA. Basically, I'm having to implement a Java application that acts as a CORBA client.
At this point, I'm mainly using the Sun JDK (JDK6) tools, including idlj.exe (to compile the IDL that I was given) and orbd.exe (for testing my code), and so far, I've been able to use the idlj and the IDL to create the Java classes, and I also wrote a test server app and test client app that are both now working (I had to write the small server app so that I could test my client app).
As I said above, I'm using orbd.exe as the ORB for my testing.
Initially, I had orbd.exe, my Java server app, and my Java client app, all running on the same machine, and that worked.
I've also tested in a more distributed configuration, where I ran orbd.exe and my Java server app on another machine (testxp), and my Java client app on a separate machine, and that works.
My question is as follows: A lot of the documents, web pages, etc. that I've seen re. CORBA have diagrams showing two ORBs, e.g., a server app and an ORB on one machine, and a client app and another/2nd ORB running on another/2nd machine, with the two ORBs communicating with each other:
client app ==> ORB1 ----> ORB2 ==> server app
whereas, in my testing so far, using orbd.exe as the ORB, I only have been using one ORB.
So, I was wondering how can I configure a test configuration where there are two ORBs as described above?
Can I do that using orbd.exe, or does orbd.exe not work in that type of configuration?
Also, if that can be done using orbd.exe, how do I do that?
Thanks, Jim