
There is a software which is using BDE for its database activities.

The database is very awkwardly designed.

I have to build a few custom reports that will use the data generated by this software.

I have a need to skip a few records based on a few conditions.

Like for example if Field4 and Field5 = 0 then that record should not be printed but if Field1 > Field2 of the same record then only Field1 should be printed not other fields.

How can I achieve this Rave Report?

I have tried to achieve this with before print even in Rave Report but due to lack of proper documentation on this part I have not been able to make any headway. If someone can point me to where I can find enough documentation and a few example of how to program Before Print and After Print event I may be able to solve my problem.

What version of Delphi/Rave? Are you using the visual designer or are the reports in code?SqlACID

4 Answers


If the .rav is not embedded in the executable (yes, it's possible), you can modify the dataview and substitute the original ones to direct database dataviews. So, you can modify the report if the program just fire the report without further parametrization...... There is some documentation on the script engine of rave, in the help of visual editor and in the Nevrona site.

Of course, Nevrona needs to do better documentation...


you can always use query for your datasource, something like (i dunno about your table structure anyway)

select distinct * from table where field <> '0' 

You can find documentation here, with examples, to an older version but it should be pretty compatible with your version


Don't blame me for this. I have never used Rave Report but this can be your last resort.

select CASE When (Field4>Field5) Then Field1 Else '' END AS Field1, ..... from Table where (Field4 <> 0 AND Field5<>0) OR (Field1>Field2)