When I create a streaming job with Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR), using the Ruby command line interface, how can I specify to use only EC2 spot instances (except for master)? The command below is working, but it "forces" me to use at lease 1 core instance...
./elastic-mapreduce --create --stream \
--name n2_3 \
--input s3://mr/neuron/2 \
--output s3://mr-out/neuron/2 \
--mapper s3://mr/map.rb \
--reducer s3://mr/noop_reduce.rb \
--instance-group master --instance-type m1.small --instance-count 1 \
--instance-group core --instance-type m1.small --instance-count 1 \
--instance-group task --instance-type m1.small --instance-count 18 --bid-price 0.028