
I use Emacs for clojure development, because Swank-clojure is a great tool. But once I get an error on slime-repl buffer, the error remains, though I fixed it or it's no more.

Reproducing way:

  1. Create a clojure project with a leiningen. $lein new myproject.
  2. At core.clj, define a function that (defn f [] (+ 1 1))
  3. Start a swank-clojure. M-x clojure-jack-in.
  4. On a slime-repl buffer, evaluate (f). Of course it returns 2.
  5. On a slime-repl buffer, evaluate (g). Of course it gets error Unable to resolve symbol: g in this context
  6. After that, this error always appears when I try to evaluate anything in the slime-repl buffer. C-c C-k doesn't help. So I always restart Emacs.app when I got an error on slime-repl buffer.

My Environment:

Mac OS 10.7.3, Cocoa Emacs 23.4.1, clojure-mode 1.11.5(from a Marmalade), leiningen 1.7.0.

Did you confirm the error by hitting Q in the debugger, or did you leave it open?Matthias Benkard
@MatthiasBenkard This is what I must do. I have closed debugger with C-x k. That is my fault. Thank you very much. and... How can I your answer mark as Answer?user1209133
@user1209133 Ah. :) You can't, since it's a comment, but I have resubmitted it as an answer.Matthias Benkard

1 Answers


In order to confirm an error and close the debugger, hit Q in the debugger window. (There may be restarts other than the QUIT restart available, but this, at least, should always work.)