
I have a question when I am validating distribution build in Xcode.

I got the following error from Xcode enter image description here

From this message, I guess my icon size is not right. However, I checked the image size several times, for the icon.png, the size is 57x57, while for the high resolution [email protected], the size is 114x114. enter image description here

So I also tried to make the icon again for several times, but I still get this message.

Is anyone know what happened here? Thanks!

btw, I built the app and tested on my iPhone 4, the high resolution icon did show well.Jing
You need to download and install Application Loader 2.5.1. onesidebrain.blogspot.com/2012/02/…hoshi
@hoshi Thanks! This solves my problem!Jing

1 Answers


Please select the targets and summary and set the app icon there.If it is iphone add 57*57 and ipad 72*72(size). I think this would solve the problem.