
Inside an F# monad, if you say let!, the compiler translates that to a Bind member that you've defined on the monad builder.

Now I see there are Query monads, as shown here on MSDN, where you can say:

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select student

and the select and count, for example, will be translated to the QueryBuilder members Linq.QueryBuilder.Select and Linq.QueryBuilder.Count.

My question is, is this mapping of keywords to members hardwired into the F# compiler, or is it extensible? For example, can I say something like:

FooMonadBuilder() {

and somehow tell the F# compiler that bar maps to a FooMonadBuilder.Bar() method?


2 Answers


In F# 2.0 (that is Visual Studio 2010), there is no way to extend the keyword list (other than Ramon's extension). However, the query mechanism in F# 3.0 (Visual Sutdio 11) is extensible and you can define your own keywords similar to select and count.

Here is a basic example that defines something like seq builder with reverse keyword:

type SeqBuilder() =
    // Standard definition for 'for' and 'yield' in sequences
    member x.For (source : seq<'T>, body : 'T -> seq<'R>) =
      seq { for v in source do yield! body v }
    member x.Yield item =
      seq { yield item }

    // Define an operation 'select' that performs projection
    member x.Select (source : seq<'T>, [<ProjectionParameter>] f: 'T -> 'R) : seq<'R> =
        Seq.map f source

    // Defines an operation 'reverse' that reverses the sequence    
    [<CustomOperation("reverse", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
    member x.Expand (source : seq<'T>) =
        List.ofSeq source |> List.rev

let mseq = SeqBuilder()

The details how this works are not yet documented, but the CustomOperation attribute says that the operation should be treated as a special syntax (you can set various properties to specify how it behaves - MaintainsVariableSpace means that it does not change the values inside sequence). The Projectionparameter attribute specifies that the expression following the keyword should be implicitly converted to a function.

Now, the mseq builder supports both select and reverse:

let q = mseq { for i in 1 .. 10 do
               select (i + 100)
               reverse }

Short answer: no.

I've extended the compiler to support that, you're welcome to read my blog article http://ramon.org.il/wp/2011/04/taking-computation-expressions-one-step-further/