
I'm running Delphi XE2 w/ update 3.

I've just checked out the read-only branch of DWScript from the svn repository. I try to install dwsLib.dpk from the DelphiXE2 folder but receive the following error:

[DCC Fatal Error] dwsLibRuntime.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'designide' must be recompiled

I tried building dwsLibRuntime.dpk first, but I get an error about missing TdwsUnit component, so that doesn't work, either. I'm not having any luck finding contact info for the author, so am trying here.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Your best bet is to contact Eric directlyDavid Heffernan
I'm finding highly suspicious what package named runtime depends on design-time designide.OnTheFly

2 Answers


The short answer is: DWScript doesn't target Delphi XE2.


DWScript lead platform is currently Delphi XE, compatibility with Delphi 2009 & Delphi 2010 is maintained, but some features may be restricted (RTTI f.i.).

You must fix the source code if you want it to work with Delphi XE2.


I.am using XE2 with the trunk code and it works fine. I loaded up each dpi (there are two) and built and installed the first. Then compile your code ensuring that you point to the source folders (there are at least three). Failing that I'll post you an innosetup exe that installs it into XE2 that I've made,