I need to create an application that has strings of many languages, including RTL (right-to-left ) languages. I want to know what is the current status of RTL (Right To Left) support on Android (even on latest API), for example:
is it possible to dynamically/statically check if the device's current language is RTL type? I know that it is possible to get the current locale, but i need a more general way to check if the current language is RTL. For example, for English and French it will return false, but for Arabic and Hebrew it will return true.
is it possible to set a layout to automatically be mirrored for RTL languages ? For example, if a linearLayout (with horizontal orientation) had its children 1->2, now it will have 2<-1, and new children will be created on the left.
is there a qualifier to add to the resources folders that will handle all RTL languages? For example, "res/layout" is for LTR (Left To Right), and "res/layout-rtl" is for RTL languages.
it seems that eclipse's content assist suggests "android:layoutDirection" for linearLayout and "android:textDirection" for textView, but when I choose them, I get a compilation error that it doesn't recognize them. I also can't find out more information on the internet about those attributes. What do they mean, and how come I can't use them?
EDIT: seems that Android 4.1 has some improvement on RTL languages. Wonder what are they and where I can read about them.
. – Eng.Fouad