I have received data from UDP socket fd
. How can I use this information to establish a TCP connection from the sender. buf
contains the TCP port.
struct sockaddr_storage remote_addr;
socklen_t remote_addr_len;
recvfrom(fd, buf, BUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&remote_addr, &remote_addr_len);
The code below is my attempt, but it doesn't work. I am new to socket programming and I am tearing my hair over trying to figure this out.
struct hostent *info;
info = gethostbyname(remoteAddr.h_addr);
struct sockaddr_in newConn;
newConn.sin_family = AF_INET;
bcopy((char *)info->h_addr, (char *)&newConn.sin_addr.s_addr, info->h_length);
newConn.sin_port = htons(mesgTcpPort); //mesgTcpPort is of type int gotten from buf
connect(newfd,(struct sockaddr *)&newConn,sizeof newConn);
Error checking is omitted.