
Xpage (listPostits.xsp) has a "View" container control, where one of the column is set "show values in this column as links". Now, here comes "Strange behaviour".
When i work with this application on my own (developer) PC (Win XP, Chrome or IE), the Domino generate the link, which can't be really processed:


Namely, the Bold-marked portion shouldn't be there ! This portion is the name of the XPage, where the View control is in.

When i work with the application from other PC (Mac, Firefox) then i get the correct link (the same as above but without the XPage name inbetween):


update: let us leave for the moment the differencies in generated links between two machines. The first question is - why the extra portion is inserted into automatically generated link?

Could you post some code? Without it, there is no real way to tell...Jeremy Hodge
listPostits.xsp is your default page on launch?Serdar Basegmez
2 Serdar: yes, listPostits.xsp is the default page on launchMaksim Ravnovesov

1 Answers


After playing around i think i might have found the reason for this strange behaviour. Namely, the "Substitution" Rules on the server side. One of them is to substitute "*/postit/all" with "/db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp"

If i switch it off, then the Links are generated properly. Still, it's pretty strange to me that these settings influence the way Domino generates the links. I thought it works on the fly with them and those settings have nothing to do with the way how Links are generated inside the application.

So, the help now is needed regarding Web Site Rule Topic, but for that, i guess, i have to create another topic. But in case somebody has some good Info on this, please share it with me. I'm a bit confused at the moment :)

Final Update: Spent some more hours of testing and the results confirmed the initial idea. If i open the page with the standart URL, i.e. http://servername/db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp then everything is fine, links are generated properly. When i however open the same page with short URL http://servername/postit/all , then server adds the substitute URL (db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp) to every single link he generates automatically to be used as the link to open/edit the underlying document.
Is it bug or feature ? Don't know.
As a workaround (because i want to keep simple URL's for the application) i have to manually generate links.