
I wanted to ask if the following scenario is somehow possible to happen. I have an Nsmutablearray and i have in it 5 objects. I load the Nsmutablearray on an uitableview. I want to insert a new object at the top of the other five objects but also move down all the previously inserted objects down by one. let me give you an example

0 one
1 two
2 three
3 four
4 five

i want to result like this after the new object inserted on the top

0 six
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five

Any help appreciated.


2 Answers

- (void)insertObject:(id)anObject atIndex:(NSUInteger)index

This method of NSMutableArray is what you are looking for.

If index is already occupied, the objects at index and beyond are shifted by adding 1 to their indices to make room.


The method you are looking for is: - [NSMutableArray insertObject:atIndex:].

In your example, the index would be 0.