I've been following the tutorial listed here.
I want to draw a single triangle using an Index Buffer Object, a Vertex Buffer Object, my own Vertex and Fragment Shader, and my own vertex structure.
My problem is that nothing shows up when I draw. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. My shaders work fine, I've tested them without the use of ibo/vbo's and they are fine.
Here is my code:
GLuint vao[1], vbo_vertex[1], index_buffer[1];
typedef struct{
GLfloat x,y,z; // Vertex.
GLfloat r,g,b; // Colors.
} spicyVertex;
void initializeBuffers(){
spicyVertex* simple_triangle = new spicyVertex[3];
// V0 - bottom
simple_triangle[0].x = 0.0f;
simple_triangle[0].y = -0.5f;
simple_triangle[0].z = 0.0f;
simple_triangle[0].r = 1.0f;
simple_triangle[0].g = 0.0f;
simple_triangle[0].b = 0.0f;
// V1 - top right
simple_triangle[0].x = 0.5f;
simple_triangle[0].y = 0.5f;
simple_triangle[0].z = 0.0f;
simple_triangle[0].r = 1.0f;
simple_triangle[0].g = 0.0f;
simple_triangle[0].b = 0.0f;
// V2 - top left
simple_triangle[0].x = -0.5f;
simple_triangle[0].y = 0.5f;
simple_triangle[0].z = 0.0f;
simple_triangle[0].r = 1.0f;
simple_triangle[0].g = 0.0f;
simple_triangle[0].b = 0.0f;
// Setup the vertex buffer data.
glGenBuffers(1, &vbo_vertex[0]);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_vertex[0]);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 3*sizeof(spicyVertex), simple_triangle, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Index setup
GLushort *indices = new GLushort[3];
glGenBuffers(1, &index_buffer[0]);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, index_buffer[0]);
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 3*sizeof(GLushort), indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// By this point all of our data should be on the graphics device.
// VAO setup.
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao[0]);
// Bind the vertex buffer and setup pointers for the VAO.
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_vertex[0]);
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(spicyVertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(0));
glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(spicyVertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(sizeof(spicyVertex)*3));
// Bind the index buffeer for the VAO.
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, index_buffer[0]);
// Cleanup.
delete [] simple_triangle;
delete [] indices;
void Draw_indexed_Vao(){
glBindVertexArray(vao[0]); // select first VAO
glDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES,0, 3, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, NULL);
static void display(void){
glUseProgramObjectARB( programObj );
I'm not performing any view transformations, when I use more basic means of drawing everything shows up just fine right in front of the camera. I really do think it's something about the way I'm declaring these buffers.
EDIT 1: The application is double buffered.
EDIT 2: SOLVED. The 3 vertices V0, V1 and V2 were all modifying the same array element. As in, I wasn't using simple_triangle[0]
, simple_triangle[2]
, but that I was only working with simple_triangle[0]
. Thank you again for catching my silly error.