Use the DOUBLE
data type.
You should be able nondestructively to alter your existing table to work this way. For example,
alter table `mytable`
change `LAT` `LAT` double NULL ,
change `LONG` `LONG` double NULL
But be careful not to overstate your data's accuracy. The epsilon of an ordinary float
32-bit floating point lat/long value (the best possible accuracy) is a few centimeters on the ground. The epsilon of a double
is a tiny tiny distance. It is almost inconceivable that your lat/long information is that precise. And if it is, it really won't matter unless you're using sophisticated cartographic projections: the typical haversine formula for computing distances assumes that the earth is a perfect sphere. It isn't. The equatorial bulge of the earth is big enough to make the spherical assumption break down for distances more precise than, again, a few centimeters.
Here's Randall Munroe's (XKCD) take on geocoordinate precision: