I'm using QTableView in order to display the results of QSqlQueryModel. The data in DB is permanently changed so I run the same script every time and need to get updated data. The query is executed in another thread after which it returns the result to main thread.
void SqlThread::setNewScript(QString script)
QSqlQueryModel * sqlModel = new QSqlQueryModel();
this->script = script;
QSqlQuery query = QSqlQuery(this->script, db);
emit queryFinished(sqlModel);
void myTable::onQueryFinished(QSqlQueryModel * model)
QAbstractItemModel * oldModel = this->table->model();
QSortFilterProxyModel * sort = new QSortFilterProxyModel();
delete oldModel;
The problem appeared when I've tried to introduce sorting using QSortFilterProxyModel. Since I did it my table haven't received any updated data. I checked that QSqlQueryModel doesn't receive any updated data while running the same script in DBMS gives me new results. If I don't use QSortFilterProxyModel the table is updated normally.