
The documentation indicates that this "allocates" storage for a texture and its levels. The pseudocode provided seems to indicate that this is for the mipmap levels.

How does usage of glTexStorage relate to glGenerateMipmap? glTexStorage seems to "lock" a texture's storage size. It seems to me this would only serve to make things less flexible. Are there meant to be performance gains to be had here?

It's pretty new and only available in 4.2 so I'm going to try to avoid using it, but I'm confused because its description makes it sound kind of important.

How is storage for textures managed in earlier GL versions? When i call glTexImage2D I effectively erase and free the storage previously associated with the texture handle, yes? and generating mipmaps also automatically handles storage for me as well.

I remember using the old-school glTexSubImage2D method to implement OpenGL 2-style render-to-texture to do some post-process effects in my previous engine experiment. It makes sense that glTexStorage will bring about a more sensible way of managing texture-related resources, now that we have better ways to do RTT.

"only available in 4.2" It's available in the ARB_texture_storage extension, which is widely available (or soon will be). NVIDIA supports it in everything going back to the GeForce 6600, and AMD supports it on all HD-class hardware. Bugs aside, you should use it whenever possible.Nicol Bolas
Since the comment list on the answer is so long I will put it here. Happily, on Apple hardware, the corresponding EXT_texture_storage extension is supported on "all SGX Series 5 processors", and also I'll point out that glTexStorage is in core GL ES 3.0.Steven Lu

2 Answers


To understand what glTexStorage does, you need to understand what the glTexImage* functions do.

glTexImage2D does three things:

  1. It allocates OpenGL storage for a specific mipmap layer, with a specific size. For example, you could allocate a 64x64 2D image as mipmap level 2.
  2. It sets the internal format for the mipmap level.
  3. It uploads pixel data to the texture. The last step is optional; if you pass NULL as the pointer value (and no buffer object is bound to GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER), then no pixel transfer takes place.

Creating a mipmapped texture by hand requires a sequence of glTexImage calls, one for each mipmap level. Each of the sizes of the mipmap levels needs to be the proper size based on the previous level's size.

Now, if you look at section 3.9.14 of the GL 4.2 specification, you will see two pages of rules that a texture object must follow to be "complete". A texture object that is incomplete cannot be accessed from.

Among those rules are things like, "mipmaps must have the appropriate size". Take the example I gave above: a 64x64 2D image, which is mipmap level 2. It would be perfectly valid OpenGL code to allocate a mipmap level 1 that used a 256x256 texture. Or a 16x16. Or a 10x345. All of those would be perfectly functional as far as source code is concerned. Obviously they would produce nonsense as a texture, since the texture would be incomplete.

Again consider the 64x64 mipmap 2. I create that as my first image. Now, I could create a 128x128 mipmap 1. But I could also create a 128x129 mipmap 1. Both of these are completely consistent with the 64x64 mipmap level 2 (mipmap sizes always round down). While they are both consistent, they're also both different sizes. If a driver has to allocate the full mipmap chain at once (which is entirely possible), which size does it allocate? It doesn't know. It can't know until you explicitly allocate the rest.

Here's another problem. Let's say I have a texture with a full mipmap chain. It is completely texture complete, according to the rules. And then I call glTexImage2D on it again. Now what? I could accidentally change the internal format. Each mipmap level has a separate internal format; if they don't all agree, then the texture is incomplete. I could accidentally change the size of the texture, again making the texture incomplete.

glTexStorage prevents all of these possible errors. It creates all the mipmaps you want up-front, given the base level's size. It allocates all of those mipmaps with the same image format, so you can't screw that up. It makes the texture immutable, so you can't come along and try to break the texture with a bad glTexImage2D call. And it prevents other errors I didn't even bother to cover.

The question isn't "what does glTexStorage do?" The question is "why did we go so long without it."

glTexStorage has no relation to glGenerateMipmap; they are orthogonal functionality. glTexStorage does exactly what it says: it allocates texture storage space. It does not fill that space with anything. So it creates a texture with a given size filled with uninitialized data. Much like glRenderbufferStorage allocates a renderbuffer with a given size filled with uninitialized data. If you use glTexStorage, you need to upload data with glTexSubImage (since glTexImage is forbidden on an immutable texture).

glTexStorage creates space for mipmaps. glGenerateMipmap creates the mipmap data itself (the smaller versions of the base layer). It can also create space for mipmaps if that space doesn't already exist. They're used for two different things.


Before calling glGenerateMipmap​, the base mipmap level must be established. (either with mutable or immutable storage).so...,you can using glTexImage2D+glGenerateMipmap only,more simple!