Here is the set up, (all testing code)
I have a combo box on sheet one called "Devmod"
I have created a module called testing and with in it created the following sub
Sub setcomb()
Sheet1.Devmod.ListFillRange = Range(Sheets("Device_info").Range("l3"), _
End Sub
this runs OK but does not fill the combo box with any data (although it does select the right cells I want)
Now I know I can do this be creating a name range and then assigning this to the combo box.
but what I am trying to do is when the user click a "update button" each combo box is updated with the values entered.
In logical terms this would be
Select the range of cells from the Device_info sheet, Start at cell L3 and work out the last cell used. Assign these values to the combo box.
can I do this with one or two lines of code?
ANSWER My simple function ends up as
Function setcomblist(wsheet As String, startrng As String, Optional endrng As Variant)
'used to populate comboboxes from a dynamic lenth range taking named sheet and starting cell as argument.
'use: combobox.ListFillRange = setcombolist("sheetname", "startcell")
If IsMissing(endrng) Then
setcomblist = Range(Sheets(wsheet).Range(startrng), Sheets(wsheet).Range(startrng).End(xlDown)).Address(External:=True)
setcomblist = Range(Sheets(wsheet).Range(startrng), Sheets(wsheet).Range(endrng)).Address(External:=True)
End If
End Function
Thanks agin for the help people