I want to parse a language in which statements are separated by EOLs. I tried this in the lexer grammar (copied from an example in the docs):
EOL : ('\r'? '\n')+ ; // any number of consecutive linefeeds counts as a single EOL
and then used this in the parser grammar:
stmt_sequence : (stmt EOL)* ;
The parser rejected code with statements separated by one or more blank lines.
However, this was successful:
EOL : '\r'? '\n' ;
stmt_sequence : (stmt EOL+)* ;
I'm an ANTLR newbie. It seems like both should work. Is there something about greedy/nongreedy lexer scanning that I don't understand?
I tried this with both 3.2 and 3.4; I'm running the ANTLR IDE in Eclipse Indigo on OS X 10.6.