I've been using RDBMSes since college and am really struggling with the underlying concepts of NoSQL databases...but I think their concept is really cool.
I believe I understand the following (please correct me if I'm wrong, because these play into my question here!):
- NoSQL is not some formal specification; it is a concept underlying a new "breed" of databases that are not relational and do not use SQL
- As such, each NoSQL system is different (for instance, MongoDB is JSON-centric)
If these are true, then let us redirect our attention to Neo4j, a "graph-based" database.
After perusing the site and the PDF, it seems like Neo4j is not only a database, but it also provides a Java API that essentially replaces the need for traditional ORM tools like Hibernate.
So, my final question is actually a request for clarification/confirmation of that last assertion, specifically:
- Is it true that if my backend is entirely Neo4j-based, that I would have no need for Hibernate (which is my usual ORM)? Are these two APIs mutually-exclusive, or is there some way to benefit between using both of them?
Thanks in advance!