In Magento there is a functionality where you can define the order of total calculation by specifing before and after which totals a total should be run.
I added a custom total and if I add the following lines to the config.xml, the sorting is wrong. Wrong means: tax_shipping
comes before shipping
This causes the tax for the shipping cost to be added twice.
But this violates the condition
after: shipping
My guess: There must be some contradiction in the full set of rules. But how can I find it?
This is the only rule I add. Without this rule, tax_shipping
is sorted after shipping
Below I paste the sorted array that is returned by the usort call in Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Collector::_getSortedCollectorCodes()
For those who do not have a Magento installation, the code is like this:
* uasort callback function
* @param array $a
* @param array $b
* @return int
protected function _compareTotals($a, $b)
$aCode = $a['_code'];
$bCode = $b['_code'];
if (in_array($aCode, $b['after']) || in_array($bCode, $a['before'])) {
$res = -1;
} elseif (in_array($bCode, $a['after']) || in_array($aCode, $b['before'])) {
$res = 1;
} else {
$res = 0;
return $res;
protected function _getSortedCollectorCodes()
uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareTotals'));
// this produces the output below
$loginfo = "";
foreach($configArray as $code=>$data) {
$loginfo .= "$code\n";
$loginfo .= "after: ".implode(',',$data['after'])."\n";
$loginfo .= "before: ".implode(',',$data['before'])."\n";
$loginfo .= "\n";
Log output:
before: subtotal,grand_total
after: nominal
before: grand_total,shipping,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,discount,tax,weee,giftwrapping,cashondelivery,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotection,shippingprotectiontax
after: subtotal,nominal
before: tax_subtotal,shipping,grand_total,tax,discount
after: shipping,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal
before: tax,discount,grand_total,grand_total
after: subtotal,nominal
after: freeshipping,subtotal,subtotal,nominal
before: tax,discount,shipping,grand_total,weee,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward
after: subtotal,tax_subtotal,nominal,freeshipping,subtotal,subtotal,nominal
before: tax,discount,grand_total,grand_total,tax
after: subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal
before: grand_total,discount,tax_shipping,tax,cashondelivery,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotection,shippingprotectiontax
after: subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee
before: grand_total,tax,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward,cashondelivery,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotection,shippingprotectiontax
after: subtotal,discount,shipping,nominal,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal
before: tax,grand_total,grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,tax_giftwrapping,reward,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward
after: subtotal,discount,shipping,nominal,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal
before: tax,grand_total,grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,tax_giftwrapping,reward,cashondelivery_tax,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward
after: subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee,cashondelivery,shippingprotection
before: grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,tax_giftwrapping,reward,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotectiontax
after: subtotal,discount,shipping,tax,nominal,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal,subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee,cashondelivery,shippingprotection
before: grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward
after: subtotal,discount,shipping,tax,nominal,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal,subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee,cashondelivery
before: grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward
after: tax,subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee
before: grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount
after: subtotal,nominal,shipping,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,discount,tax,tax_giftwrapping,cashondelivery,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotection,shippingprotectiontax
before: customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward
after: wee,discount,tax,tax_subtotal,grand_total,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee,freeshipping,subtotal,subtotal,nominal,subtotal,nominal,shipping,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,discount,tax,tax_giftwrapping
before: giftcardaccount,customerbalance,customerbalance
after: wee,discount,tax,tax_subtotal,grand_total,reward,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,weee
before: customerbalance
after: wee,discount,tax,tax_subtotal,grand_total,reward,giftcardaccount,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,weee
After Vinai's answer I added more debug code
$fp = fopen('/tmp/dotfile','w');
fwrite($fp,"digraph TotalOrder\n");
foreach($configArray as $code=>$data) {
$_code = $data['_code'];
foreach($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {
fwrite($fp,"$beforeCode -> $_code;\n");
foreach($data['after'] as $afterCode) {
fwrite($fp,"$_code -> $afterCode;\n");
And visualized it with graphviz: dot -Tpng dotfile > viz.png
. That's the result of the first try. Called after the sorting.
I think this is pretty useless.
So I made a visualization of the array before merging the after/before entries. (right after $configArray = $this->_modelsConfig;
This is it without my shippingprotectiontax
This is it with my shippingprotectiontax
I do not see any clear contradictions.
Config array just before uasort:
array ( 'nominal' => array ( 'class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_nominal', 'before' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'grand_total', ), 'renderer' => 'checkout/total_nominal', 'after' => array ( ), '_code' => 'nominal', ), 'subtotal' => array ( 'class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_subtotal', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'nominal', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'grand_total', 1 => 'shipping', 2 => 'freeshipping', 3 => 'tax_subtotal', 4 => 'discount', 5 => 'tax', 6 => 'weee', 7 => 'giftwrapping', 8 => 'cashondelivery', 9 => 'cashondelivery_tax', 10 => 'shippingprotection', 11 => 'shippingprotectiontax', ), 'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_subtotal', 'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_subtotal', '_code' => 'subtotal', ), 'shipping' => array ( 'class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_shipping', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'freeshipping', 2 => 'tax_subtotal', 3 => 'nominal', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'grand_total', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'tax_shipping', 3 => 'tax', 4 => 'cashondelivery', 5 => 'cashondelivery_tax', 6 => 'shippingprotection', 7 => 'shippingprotectiontax', ), 'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_shipping', 'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_shipping', '_code' => 'shipping', ), 'grand_total' => array ( 'class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_grand', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'nominal', 2 => 'shipping', 3 => 'freeshipping', 4 => 'tax_subtotal', 5 => 'discount', 6 => 'tax', 7 => 'tax_giftwrapping', 8 => 'cashondelivery', 9 => 'cashondelivery_tax', 10 => 'shippingprotection', 11 => 'shippingprotectiontax', ), 'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_grandtotal', 'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_grandtotal', 'before' => array ( 0 => 'customerbalance', 1 => 'giftcardaccount', 2 => 'reward', ), '_code' => 'grand_total', ), 'freeshipping' => array ( 'class' => 'salesrule/quote_freeshipping', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'nominal', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'tax_subtotal', 1 => 'shipping', 2 => 'grand_total', 3 => 'tax', 4 => 'discount', ), '_code' => 'freeshipping', ), 'discount' => array ( 'class' => 'salesrule/quote_discount', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'shipping', 2 => 'nominal', 3 => 'freeshipping', 4 => 'tax_subtotal', 5 => 'tax_shipping', 6 => 'weee', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'grand_total', 1 => 'tax', 2 => 'customerbalance', 3 => 'giftcardaccount', 4 => 'reward', 5 => 'cashondelivery', 6 => 'cashondelivery_tax', 7 => 'shippingprotection', 8 => 'shippingprotectiontax', ), 'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_discount', 'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_discount', '_code' => 'discount', ), 'tax_subtotal' => array ( 'class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_subtotal', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'freeshipping', 1 => 'subtotal', 2 => 'subtotal', 3 => 'nominal', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'tax', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'shipping', 3 => 'grand_total', 4 => 'weee', 5 => 'customerbalance', 6 => 'giftcardaccount', 7 => 'reward', ), '_code' => 'tax_subtotal', ), 'tax_shipping' => array ( 'class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_shipping', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'shipping', 1 => 'subtotal', 2 => 'freeshipping', 3 => 'tax_subtotal', 4 => 'nominal', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'tax', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'grand_total', 3 => 'grand_total', ), '_code' => 'tax_shipping', ), 'tax' => array ( 'class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_tax', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'shipping', 2 => 'discount', 3 => 'tax_subtotal', 4 => 'freeshipping', 5 => 'tax_shipping', 6 => 'nominal', 7 => 'weee', 8 => 'cashondelivery', 9 => 'shippingprotection', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'grand_total', 1 => 'customerbalance', 2 => 'giftcardaccount', 3 => 'tax_giftwrapping', 4 => 'reward', 5 => 'cashondelivery_tax', 6 => 'shippingprotectiontax', ), 'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_tax', 'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_tax', '_code' => 'tax', ), 'weee' => array ( 'class' => 'weee/total_quote_weee', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'tax_subtotal', 2 => 'nominal', 3 => 'freeshipping', 4 => 'subtotal', 5 => 'subtotal', 6 => 'nominal', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'tax', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'grand_total', 3 => 'grand_total', 4 => 'tax', ), '_code' => 'weee', ), 'customerbalance' => array ( 'class' => 'enterprise_customerbalance/total_quote_customerbalance', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'wee', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'tax', 3 => 'tax_subtotal', 4 => 'grand_total', 5 => 'reward', 6 => 'giftcardaccount', 7 => 'subtotal', 8 => 'shipping', 9 => 'nominal', 10 => 'freeshipping', 11 => 'tax_shipping', 12 => 'weee', ), 'renderer' => 'enterprise_customerbalance/checkout_total', 'before' => array ( ), '_code' => 'customerbalance', ), 'giftcardaccount' => array ( 'class' => 'enterprise_giftcardaccount/total_quote_giftcardaccount', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'wee', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'tax', 3 => 'tax_subtotal', 4 => 'grand_total', 5 => 'reward', 6 => 'subtotal', 7 => 'shipping', 8 => 'nominal', 9 => 'freeshipping', 11 => 'tax_shipping', 12 => 'weee', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'customerbalance', ), 'renderer' => 'enterprise_giftcardaccount/checkout_cart_total', '_code' => 'giftcardaccount', ), 'giftwrapping' => array ( 'class' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/total_quote_giftwrapping', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'nominal', ), 'renderer' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/checkout_totals', 'before' => array ( ), '_code' => 'giftwrapping', ), 'tax_giftwrapping' => array ( 'class' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/total_quote_tax_giftwrapping', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'tax', 1 => 'subtotal', 2 => 'shipping', 3 => 'discount', 4 => 'tax_subtotal', 5 => 'freeshipping', 6 => 'tax_shipping', 7 => 'nominal', 8 => 'weee', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'grand_total', 1 => 'customerbalance', 2 => 'giftcardaccount', ), '_code' => 'tax_giftwrapping', ), 'reward' => array ( 'class' => 'enterprise_reward/total_quote_reward', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'wee', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'tax', 3 => 'tax_subtotal', 4 => 'grand_total', 5 => 'subtotal', 6 => 'shipping', 7 => 'nominal', 8 => 'freeshipping', 9 => 'tax_subtotal', 10 => 'tax_shipping', 11 => 'weee', 12 => 'subtotal', 13 => 'shipping', 14 => 'discount', 15 => 'tax_subtotal', 16 => 'freeshipping', 17 => 'tax_shipping', 18 => 'nominal', 19 => 'weee', 20 => 'freeshipping', 21 => 'subtotal', 22 => 'subtotal', 23 => 'nominal', 24 => 'subtotal', 25 => 'nominal', 26 => 'shipping', 27 => 'freeshipping', 28 => 'tax_subtotal', 29 => 'discount', 30 => 'tax', 31 => 'tax_giftwrapping', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'giftcardaccount', 1 => 'customerbalance', 2 => 'customerbalance', ), 'renderer' => 'enterprise_reward/checkout_total', '_code' => 'reward', ), 'cashondelivery' => array ( 'class' => 'cashondelivery/quote_total', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'shipping', 3 => 'nominal', 4 => 'subtotal', 5 => 'shipping', 6 => 'nominal', 7 => 'freeshipping', 8 => 'tax_subtotal', 9 => 'tax_shipping', 10 => 'weee', 11 => 'subtotal', 12 => 'freeshipping', 13 => 'tax_subtotal', 14 => 'nominal', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'tax', 1 => 'grand_total', 2 => 'grand_total', 3 => 'customerbalance', 4 => 'giftcardaccount', 5 => 'tax_giftwrapping', 6 => 'reward', 7 => 'customerbalance', 8 => 'giftcardaccount', 9 => 'reward', ), 'renderer' => 'cashondelivery/checkout_cod', 'admin_renderer' => 'cashondelivery/adminhtml_sales_order_create_totals_cod', '_code' => 'cashondelivery', ), 'cashondelivery_tax' => array ( 'class' => 'cashondelivery/quote_taxTotal', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'shipping', 3 => 'tax', 4 => 'nominal', 5 => 'subtotal', 6 => 'shipping', 7 => 'nominal', 8 => 'freeshipping', 9 => 'tax_subtotal', 10 => 'tax_shipping', 11 => 'weee', 12 => 'subtotal', 13 => 'freeshipping', 14 => 'tax_subtotal', 15 => 'nominal', 16 => 'subtotal', 17 => 'shipping', 18 => 'discount', 19 => 'tax_subtotal', 20 => 'freeshipping', 21 => 'tax_shipping', 22 => 'nominal', 23 => 'weee', 24 => 'cashondelivery', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'grand_total', 1 => 'customerbalance', 2 => 'giftcardaccount', 3 => 'reward', ), '_code' => 'cashondelivery_tax', ), 'shippingprotection' => array ( 'class' => 'n98_shippingprotection/quote_address_total_shippingprotection', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'shipping', 3 => 'nominal', 4 => 'subtotal', 5 => 'shipping', 6 => 'nominal', 7 => 'freeshipping', 8 => 'tax_subtotal', 9 => 'tax_shipping', 10 => 'weee', 11 => 'subtotal', 12 => 'freeshipping', 13 => 'tax_subtotal', 14 => 'nominal', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'tax', 1 => 'grand_total', 2 => 'grand_total', 3 => 'customerbalance', 4 => 'giftcardaccount', 5 => 'tax_giftwrapping', 6 => 'reward', 7 => 'cashondelivery_tax', 8 => 'customerbalance', 9 => 'giftcardaccount', 10 => 'reward', ), '_code' => 'shippingprotection', ), 'shippingprotectiontax' => array ( 'class' => 'n98_shippingprotection/quote_address_total_shippingprotectionTax', 'after' => array ( 0 => 'subtotal', 1 => 'discount', 2 => 'shipping', 3 => 'tax', 4 => 'nominal', 5 => 'subtotal', 6 => 'shipping', 7 => 'nominal', 8 => 'freeshipping', 9 => 'tax_subtotal', 10 => 'tax_shipping', 11 => 'weee', 12 => 'subtotal', 13 => 'freeshipping', 14 => 'tax_subtotal', 15 => 'nominal', 16 => 'subtotal', 17 => 'shipping', 18 => 'discount', 19 => 'tax_subtotal', 20 => 'freeshipping', 21 => 'tax_shipping', 22 => 'nominal', 23 => 'weee', 24 => 'cashondelivery', 25 => 'shippingprotection', ), 'before' => array ( 0 => 'grand_total', 1 => 'customerbalance', 2 => 'giftcardaccount', 3 => 'reward', ), '_code' => 'shippingprotectiontax', ), )
Update: Magento Bug Ticket:
, not var_dump() or print_r(), so the result is PHP code that can be copy&pasted directly into a test-script. Thank you! – Vinai