i am showing jobid in my report. i want that if job ID are this 02,07.11,19,21,29,31,40 etc then those report rows will not be shown. i know how to hide rows writing expression but i just need to know if there any short cut way to say that my job is are 02,07.11,19,21,29,31,40.
still i am doing like =IIF(Fields!JID.Value = 02 or Fields!JID.Value = 07 or Fields!JID.Value = 11 or Fields!JID.Value = 19, True, False)
is there any way like =IIF(Fields!JID.Value in (02,07.11,19,21,29,31,40), True, False)
if i send job id as a parameter value send from calling environment like "02,07.11,19,21,29,31,40" then how to di it.
please let me inform.