
I'm using xtable to manage R output in Sweave. See code below:

CC <- data.frame(
    y = c(449, 413, 326, 409, 358, 291, 341, 278, 312)/12,
    P = ordered(gl(3, 3)), N = ordered(gl(3, 1, 9))
CC.aov <- aov(y ~ N * P, data = CC , weights = rep(12, 9))
Summary <- summary(CC.aov, split = list(N = list(L = 1, Q = 2),
                                        P = list(L = 1, Q = 2)))

            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq
N            2 1016.7   508.3
  N: L       1 1012.5  1012.5
  N: Q       1    4.2     4.2
P            2  917.4   458.7
  P: L       1  917.3   917.3
  P: Q       1    0.0     0.0
N:P          4  399.3    99.8
  N:P: L.L   1  184.1   184.1
  N:P: Q.L   1  152.1   152.1
  N:P: L.Q   1   49.0    49.0
  N:P: Q.Q   1   14.1    14.1

I like to indent the first column as shown in the output above. But when I use xtable(Summary) the first column is aligned left. I know how to align left, right or center but could not figure out how to get the output as indented in the first. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Thanks

This will probably require a more in depth LaTeX solution, maybe like what's described here, which might be doable by hacking the sanitize.text.function argument. The other option is the more flexible LaTeX commands in Hmisc package.joran

2 Answers


This example shows how to customize the table combining the use of the sanitize argument in xtable and the function \hskip in latex.

The code would be:

named = rownames(Summary[[1]])
tags= gsub("  "," ",named)
rownames(Summary[[1]])= c(ifelse(nchar(tags)<8,tags,paste("\\hskip .5cm",tags,sep=' ')))
print(xtable(Summary[[1]]), type="latex", sanitize.text.function = function(x){x})

EDIT: Following Dwin's suggestion of using

grepl("^ ", rownames(Summary[[1]])

That provides a more general solution. The code would change to:

named = rownames(Summary[[1]])
tags= grepl("^ ", rownames(Summary[[1]]))
rownames(Summary[[1]])= c(ifelse(tags==F,named,paste("\\hskip .5cm",named,sep=' ')))
print(xtable(Summary[[1]]), type="latex", sanitize.text.function = function(x){x})

enter image description here


Edit the output of xtable to add another column and put empty column dividers in from of the onew you want to indent: (and assuming appropriate document header and footer.)

& fac & Df & Sum Sq & Mean Sq \\ 
N   &        & 2 & 1016.67 & 508.33 \\ 
 &  N: L      & 1 & 1012.50 & 1012.50 \\ 
 & N: Q      & 1 & 4.17 & 4.17 \\ 
P  &        & 2 & 917.39 & 458.69 \\ 
 &  P: L      & 1 & 917.35 & 917.35 \\ 
 &  P: Q      & 1 & 0.04 & 0.04 \\ 
N:P   &      & 4 & 399.28 & 99.82 \\ 
 & N:P: L.L  & 1 & 184.08 & 184.08 \\ 
 &N:P: Q.L  & 1 & 152.11 & 152.11 \\ 
 &N:P: L.Q  & 1 & 49.00 & 49.00 \\ 
 &N:P: Q.Q  & 1 & 14.08 & 14.08 \\ 

enter image description here