
What is the size limit on PDB files in VS2k8? I am on a dev workstation with 3GB each of RAM and pagefile on a 32-bit PAE kernel, but the linker kicks out an LNK1201 error shortly after the PDB grows past 1GB. Is MSPDBSRV simply running out of address space?

I've worked on some very large programs but never got close to a gigabyte. Sure, the error message tells you that you are exceeding an internal limitation. High time to split off code into DLLs. Ought to help a great deal with the monster link times as well.Hans Passant
I'm using VS2010 (64-bit) on Windows 7 and encountering the same error. After the linker quits with this error, the Windows Explorer "Properties" dialog for the .pdb file reports "Size on disk: 1.00 GB (1,073,741,824 bytes)". Is this seriously still a hard limit on the size of the PDB file? How can we get around this?aldo