I have an STL map that contains shared pointers to objects that are manipulated in multiple threads. The object the shared_ptr owns is being deleted while a smart pointer is still present in the container and/or the scope of other functions. All shared_ptr instances are passed by value (so its not a problem with a misuse of references). I was under the impression from this source here that as long as an instance of shared_ptr exists (that was copied from an existing shared_ptr) the object it owns will not be deallocated.
Here is basically what I'm doing:
/* Remove Event response in Thread A */
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<object>>::iterator it = objects.find(id);
if(it != objects.end())
std::shared_ptr<object> ob = it->second;
//Do cleanup work with ob
/* Add Event response in Thread B */
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<object>>::iterator it = objects.find(id);
if(it == objects.end())
std::shared_ptr<object> ob(new object(id));
objects[id] = ob;
//Do setup work with ob
/* Duty Cycle Event response in Thread C (very frequent) */
//Take snapshot of objects so Remove Event does not invalidate iterators of duty cycle
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<object>> temp_objects = objects;
for(std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<object>>::const_iterator it = temp_objects.begin(); it != temp_objects.end(); ++it)
std::shared_ptr<object> ob = it->second;
//Access violation can (but doesn't always) occur when dereferencing ob (ob is empty)
What am I doing wrong? Am I misusing shared pointers or making improper assumptions about how they operate?
in any way? – Alex Korbanobjects
before iterating through them it would be unnecessary. Why and how would synchronizing access prevent the objects from being deleted anyway? – BigMacAttack