
I am trying to set a custom style to a GWT CellBrowser widget using UiBinder but I am not able to change any dependent styles (i.e. I can set a different background color for the whole widget but I don't know how to change the style for a selected item)

I tried using "@external" as suggested in this forum for other widgets (for instance here or here) but it did not have any effect, I guess that it is because of the way styles are specified in CellBrowser.

I think that the approach I should take should be more similar to http://crazygui.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/how-to-skin-a-gwt-celltable/. Adapting their code to a CellBrowser instead of a CellTable I'm using:

@UiField (provided=true) CellBrowser cellbrowser;
interface CellBrowserCompanyUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, CellBrowserCompany> {}

public CellBrowserCompany() {

    TreeViewModel tvm = new TreeViewModelImpl();        
    CellBrowser.Resources reso = GWT.create(CellBrowsRes.class);

    cellbrowser = new CellBrowser(tvm, null, reso);

public interface CellBrowsRes extends CellBrowser.Resources{
    @Source({CellBrowser.Style.DEFAULT_CSS, "path/to/css.css"})
    BrowserStyle cellbrowserstyle();

    interface BrowserStyle extends CellBrowser.Style{}

and I am using the CSS file from GWT SDK as reference.

In the ui.xml file I have, inside a < g:HTMLPanel> tag:

<c:CellBrowser ui:field="cellbrowser" width="100%" height="100%"/>

The code works fine if I don't use "CellBrosRes". So, it works if I replace the line that creates the CellBrowser by this one:

CellBrowser browser = new CellBrowser(tvm, null);

If I use "CellBrosRes" it just ignores my style. I think the problem is in the way I create the Style Resource.

Any help on how to get this working would be appreciated. Let me know if you need additional details or if something is not clear enough.



2 Answers


After struggling with it a bit more I decided to create my own widget for it. It can definitely be improved, and I would love to hear suggestions but, by now, it is what I'm using.

This is the structure: CellBrowser > CellPanel[] > Cell[]

  • The CellBrowser widget is initialized with a Cell Array.

  • These cells are placed on the first CellPanel. For each Cell you can set a Widget to be displayed on it and a CellPanel that will contain its children.

As the whole thing uses a couple files I've uploaded the code as a google code project


You can extend the CellBrowser and change the default css.

public class CustomCellBrowser extends CellBrowser {

 * The resources applied to the table.
interface CellResources extends CellBrowser.Resources {
    @Source({CellBrowser.Style.DEFAULT_CSS, "CustomCellBrowser.css"})
    CellBrowser.Style cellBrowserStyle();

public <T> CustomCellBrowser(TreeViewModel viewModel, T rootValue) {
    super(viewModel, rootValue, (CellBrowser.Resources) GWT.create(CellResources.class));


Grab a copy of the default CSS here and change

Hope this is helps