
In PHP and C# the constants can be initialized as they are declared:

class Calendar3
    const int value1 = 12;
    const double value2 = 0.001;

I have the following C++ declaration of a functor which is used with another class to compare two math vectors:

struct equal_vec
    bool operator() (const Vector3D& a, const Vector3D& b) const
        Vector3D dist = b - a;
        return ( dist.length2() <= tolerance );

    static const float tolerance = 0.001;

This code compiled without problems with g++. Now in C++0x mode (-std=c++0x) the g++ compiler outputs an error message:

error: ‘constexpr’ needed for in-class initialization of static data member ‘tolerance’ of non-integral type

I know I can define and initialize this static const member outside of the class definition. Also, a non-static constant data member can be initialized in the initializer list of a constructor.

But is there any way to initialize a constant within class declaration just like it is possible in PHP or C#?


I used static keyword just because it was possible to initialize such constants within the class declaration in g++. I just need a way to initialize a constant in a class declaration no matter if it declared as static or not.

I used static keyword just because it was possible to initialize such constants within the class declaration in g++. I just need a way to initialize a constant in a class declaration no matter if it declared as static or not. That's the wrong way to decide whether a member should be static or not. Never let lexical laziness decide the semantics of your code.Lightness Races in Orbit
That's the wrong way to decide whether a member should be static or not. I don't agree. I think that does not matter for constant members.ezpresso
@expresso: Not at all. You can initialise a non-static constant member with instance-specific information. That you've decided that your constant is a property of the type rather than of a specific instance is the reason to make it static, not because you fancied a typing shortcut.Lightness Races in Orbit
@lightless: Well, it is possible, but I don't see any reason for making use of initialization of same instance-specific constants with different values. I used to use non-const class fields for that!ezpresso
Why, if they never change after object instantiation? struct myType { const std::time_t instantiated; myType() : instantiated(std::time(0)) {} }; Everything that can be const should be const; that applies to static and non-static members alike.Lightness Races in Orbit

5 Answers


In C++11, non-static data members, static constexpr data members, and static const data members of integral or enumeration type may be initialized in the class declaration. e.g.

struct X {
    int i=5;
    const float f=3.12f;
    static const int j=42;
    static constexpr float g=9.5f;

In this case, the i member of all instances of class X is initialized to 5 by the compiler-generated constructor, and the f member is initialized to 3.12. The static const data member j is initialized to 42, and the static constexpr data member g is initialized to 9.5.

Since float and double are not of integral or enumeration type, such members must either be constexpr, or non-static in order for the initializer in the class definition to be permitted.

Prior to C++11, only static const data members of integral or enumeration type could have initializers in the class definition.


Initializing static member variables other than const int types is not standard C++ prior C++11. The gcc compiler will not warn you about this (and produce useful code nonetheless) unless you specify the -pedantic option. You then should get an error similiar to:

const.cpp:3:36: error: floating-point literal cannot appear in a constant-expression
const.cpp:3:36: warning: ISO C++ forbids initialization of member constant ‘tolerance’ of non-integral type ‘const float’ [-pedantic]

The reason for this is that the C++ standard does not specifiy how floating point should be implemented and is left to the processor. To get around this and other limitations constexpr was introduced.


Yes. Just add the constexpr keyword as the error says.


If you only need it in the one method you can declare it locally static:

struct equal_vec
    bool operator() (const Vector3D& a, const Vector3D& b) const
        static const float tolerance = 0.001f;
        Vector3D dist = b - a;
        return ( dist.length2() <= tolerance );

I ran into real problems with this, because I need the same code to compile with differing versions of g++ (the GNU C++ compiler). So I had to use a macro to see which version of the compiler was being used, and then act accordingly, like so

#if __GNUC__ > 5


This will use 'const' for everything before g++ version 6.0.0 and then use 'constexpr' for g++ version 6.0.0 and above. That's a guess at the version where the change takes place, because frankly I didn't notice this until g++ version 6.2.1. To do it right you may have to look at the minor version and patch number of g++, so see


for the details on the available macros.

With gnu, you could also stick with using 'const' everywhere and then compile with the -fpermissive flag, but that gives warnings and I like my stuff to compile cleanly.

Not great, because it's specific to gnu compilers, butI suspect you could do similar with other compilers.