I've written a DataSnap server method that returns a TStream object to transfer a file. The client application calls the method and reads the stream to download the file. The server method is very simple :
function TServerMethods.DownloadFile(sFilePath: string): TStream;
strFileStream: TFileStream;
strFileStream := TFileStream.Create(sFilePath, fmOpenRead);
Result := strFileStream;
It works fine downloading many file types (PDF, GIF, BMP, ZIP, EXE) but it doesn't work when downloading JPG files. On the client side the stream object returned from the method call is always 0 in size with JPGs. I can successfully stream JPG files locally on my PC, so it must be something to do with DataSnap. I've done some research which suggests DataSnap converts the stream to JSON behind the scenes and there could be a problem with this when it comes to JPG files - can anybody confirm this? On the client side I'm using the TDSRESTConnection to call the server method. I realise I could ZIP the JPG files before streaming, but would rather not have to do this.