
I have decided to start learning 32-bit x86 intel nasm syntax, I have a good ammount of programming with 16-bit, and have been doing a bit of research into 32-bit, and I have a few questions about interrupts:

Is there any difference between the interrupts? (Can I use the same interrupts from 16-bit assembly) If the interrupt list is the same do I have to specify if it is a 32-bit interrupt? (for int. 0x16 use eax instead of ax to put the read byte in).

also, I did try to google the answers, but I can't find them.

EDIT :: I didn't think about including my OS, but right now I'm on linux mint 12.

Sorry, I'll edit out the other questions, and change the title, and add the other questions as independent questions.JAW1025
This is going to depend entirely on the operating system you use.500 - Internal Server Error
What you're talking about are CPU registers (eax, ax) and not interrupts.Ken White
What I thought I was asking was weather the interrupts for 32-bit assembly are the same as the 16-bit assembly interrupts.JAW1025

1 Answers

  1. If you run you program in real mode (under MS-DOS, for example), you'll be able to use the same DOS/BIOS services you used to in your 16-bit programs.
  2. I'm afraid you won't be able to specify that you are going to use 32-bit registers as there are no 32-bit support for BIOS int 10h, int 13h, etc. Only the contents of 16-bit registers will be taken into account.
  3. No, there's no name for the upper halves of 32-bit registers, you need to use bit masks and/or bit-shifting instructions to access them.