
I am using simple_form gem, I have a countries collection, it work fine when I select the country, and updated record will have the country id stored, but, when I try to edit the record, the chosen country is not selected by default at edit form.

Here is the code at edit form:

= f.input :country_id, :collection => all_countries

Shouldn't simple_form view the selected country from the db ?

> Shouldn't simple_form view the selected country from the db ? It should because simple_form is just a wrapper around rails' form_for helpers. Check your generated html to see if there's no selected option in the code.Ineu
I think it would be helpful if this question didn't use the term "default". When I see that I think that you're talking about what the selected item would be when you have selected nothing before, not when you had stored something and come back to the page.cesoid
yea, I've fixed it, but the question got bit longer :)simo

2 Answers


Have you tried to use the :selected => option?

:selected => selected_country_id


= f.input :country_id, :collection => all_countries, :selected => selected_country_id

This will work perfectly !!!



I know this has been answered, but I came here looking for a similar solution for a collection of check boxes. For posterity, here's how you do it:

<%= f.input :country_ids, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => [['USA', :USA], ['Japan', :JPN]], :checked => [:JPN], :include_hidden => false %>

Hope this helps someone.