I'm trying to use SSIS to extract XML representation of a query result set to a text file. My query is currently successfully extracting the exact XML output I need when I run it in SSMS. I've tried every trick I can find to use this result set in a SSIS package to create a file.
Using a dataflow to port a OLE Source to a Flat file doesn't work because the output of a XML query is treated as TEXT and SSIS can't push TEXT, NTEXT or IMAGE to a file destination.
I've tried to then Execute SQL Task to fill a user variable and then use a Script Task (written using C#) to write the contents of this user variable to a file output, but the user variable is always empty. I don't know, but I suspect this is, again, because the XML is treated as TEXT or IMAGE and the user variable doesn't handle this.
The query is in this form: SELECT * FROM dataTable WHERE dataTable.FIELD = 'Value' FOR XML AUTO, ROOT('RootVal')
The resulting dataset is well formed XML, but I can't figure out how to get it from result set to file.
It's a relatively easy task for me to write a console app to do this in C# 4.0, but restrictions require me to at least prove it CAN'T be done with SSIS before I write the console app and a scheduler.