I want Number of cartons and Pieces currently available in the stock that are about to expire in next 30 days and this is calculated based on expiry date...I have used formula field on crystal report to calculate current stock like "stock.crtns_added - stock.crtns_removed" and "stock.pieces_added - stock.pieces_removed"....Now I want to group by item name, category and expirydate because based on these three columns there can be more than 1 entries in the database....I want that when there are more than one entries the formula should sum up all the cartons and pieces for same item of a category with same expiry date and on report it should display just 1 line showing available cartons and pieces that are about to expire
How can i do this?? How can I apply group clause on the formula field in crystal report to get sum of cartons or pieces for each item based on expiry date??