I have an Arduino mega communicating over Bluetooth (bluesmirf gold device) to a C# application that I wrote. The Arduino is constantly sending a serial signal of 32 characters, the first always being an "S" and the last an "E". Using putty I can confirm that this signal is being sent correctly 99% of the time.
Now I want to read this signal with my C# application, which I am doing with the following code:
public string receiveCommandHC()
string messageHC = "";
if (serialHC.IsOpen)
while (serialHC.ReadChar() != 'S')
messageHC = serialHC.ReadTo("E");
return messageHC;
serialHC is of the serial class.
Sometimes this works perfectly but other times I'm having problems, I cannot find out why it works sometimes but others not.
The problem that I seem to be having is that sometimes I get a rather large Lag in the data that I am reading from the arduino. I notice this because I am sending button states and they only change a few seconds after I actually press or release the button on the Arduino. I used the standard baud rate of the Bluetooth device, which is 115200, and was wondering if changing that to a much lower rate could yield better results? What if any advantage would that have? I do not need hight communication rates, even updating the state 4-5 times a second would be acceptable for my application.
Is it possible the lag is coming from my code? I think it may be from the while loop that is waiting for the incoming "S" but then I don't see why it should hang there since there are new signals always coming in at a high rate.
I'm using the DiscardInBuffer() because I do not care about outdated data and just want to skip over that. It is much more important that I am reading current up to date data and acting on that fresh data.
Thank you for your help!
Best regards,
Just found out a bit more information while debugging. The problem only seems to appear:
- When connected over Bluetooth (over USB cable there is absolutely NO Lag)
- When a second Bluetooth connection is established from the PC to another device (different COM port and different baud rate)
Does anybody have any experience running two different devices off the same Bluetooth dongle on the PC? I can manage to connect to both no problem but still having the lag issue mentioned before.
Thanks for any help