
What do I need to install to connect my Visual Studio 2008 to TFS 2010 Server?

This blog


suggests installing SP1 and then installing ....


Is that correct?

You basically answered it yourself :-)Duat Le
I don't see why this has been down voted, I was missing the crucial step of installing VS 2008 Team Explorer which was missing from the blog post I quoted. Dylan Smith gave me the correct installation steps and a much better blog post.Hoody

2 Answers


You need to install VS 2008 Team Explorer, then VS 2008 SP1, then the Forward Compatibility Update in that order.

See this link for details and links to the installers: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/granth/archive/2012/01/03/tfs-2010-what-service-packs-and-hotfixes-should-i-install.aspx


Hm... yes. The overview of the KB article said it pretty clear. What makes you worry?

This is an update for the 2008 SP1 version of Visual Studio Team System Team Explorer and allows the 2008 SP1 version to work with the Team Foundation Server 2010. The update will allow teams to move forward and use the Team Foundation Server 2010 server even if part of the team continues to use the Team Explorer 2008 SP1 client.