I try to implement Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) based on the R5 Demo found here: http://blog.nextrevision.com/?p=76
In Fact I try to adapt their SSAO - Linear shader to fit into my own little engine.
1) I calculate View Space surface normals and Linear depth values. I Store them in a RGBA texture using the following shader:
varNormalVS = normalize(vec3(vmtInvTranspMatrix * vertexNormal));
depth = (modelViewMatrix * vertexPosition).z;
depth = (-depth-nearPlane)/(farPlane-nearPlane);
gl_Position = pvmtMatrix * vertexPosition;
gl_FragColor = vec4(varNormalVS.x,varNormalVS.y,varNormalVS.z,depth)
For my linear depth calculation I referred to: http://www.gamerendering.com/2008/09/28/linear-depth-texture/
Is it correct? Texture seem to be correct, but maybe it is not?
2) The actual SSAO Implementation: As mentioned above the original can be found here: http://blog.nextrevision.com/?p=76
or faster: on pastebin http://pastebin.com/KaGEYexK
In contrast to the original I only use 2 input textures since one of my textures stores both, normals as RGB and Linear Depht als Alpha.
My second Texture, the random normal texture, looks like this: http://www.gamerendering.com/wp-content/uploads/noise.png
I use almost exactly the same implementation but my results are wrong.
Before going into detail I want to clear some questions first:
1) ssao shader uses projectionMatrix and it's inverse matrix.
Since it is a post processing effect rendered onto a screen aligned quad via orthographic projection, the projectionMatrix is the orthographic matrix. Correct or Wrong?
2) Having a combined normal and Depth texture instead of two seperate ones.
In my opinion this is the biggest difference between the R5 implementation and my implementation attempt. I think this should not be a big problem, however, due to different depth textures this is most likley to cause problems.
Please note that R5_clipRange looks like this
vec4 R5_clipRange = vec4(nearPlane, farPlane, nearPlane * farPlane, farPlane - nearPlane);
float GetDistance (in vec2 texCoord)
//return texture2D(R5_texture0, texCoord).r * R5_clipRange.w;
const vec4 bitSh = vec4(1.0 / 16777216.0, 1.0 / 65535.0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0);
return dot(texture2D(R5_texture0, texCoord), bitSh) * R5_clipRange.w;
I have to admit I do not understand the code snippet. My depth his stored in the alpha of my texture and I thought it should be enought to just do this
return texture2D(texSampler0, texCoord).a * R5_clipRange.w;
Correct or Wrong?