
I try to draw text using a dll library which has only interfaces of ANSI version encapsulated windows ANSI apis, but I need to store string data using utf-8. I don't want to convert strings using MultiByte/WideChar functions so I want an approach to change the CP_ACP in my application, so that I can input string data into ANSI apis. thanks.

ps: I don't to change the system default codepage.

I suggest you add at least a language tag to this. Framework tag would be useful too.Samuel Harmer
There's no language there. C++?Samuel Harmer
But there are already 5 tages, no more tag can be added.legendlee
There is no way to change the CP_ACP for a single process. CP_ACP is a system-wide setting.Raymond Chen
I thought I said "There is no way to change the CP_ACP for a single process."Raymond Chen

4 Answers


CP_ACP represents the system Ansi codepage. You cannot change that on a per-process or per-thread basis. It is a system-wide setting. If the DLL really is dependant on CP_ACP internally, then you have no choice but to convert your from/to UTF-8 whenever you interact with the DLL.


UTF8 is not a codepage, and as codepages only make sense to ANSI functions, you can't do what you're asking.

If you want to store string as UTF8, you WILL need to convert from the ANSI of your app to unicode (wide char) using MultiByteToWideChar() then use WideCharToMultiByte() to convert to UTF8.

Alternatively, update you app to use unicode/wide strings internally, and convert as needed.


Starting with Windows 10 v1903, you can use the application manifest to set the active code page for a given process, which might be different from the system-wide code page :

<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
  <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="..." version=""/>
      <activeCodePage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2019/WindowsSettings">UTF-8</activeCodePage>

Obviously, if you need to support older versions of Windows, the application must still be aware that CP_ACP might not be CP_UTF8 and perform any necessary conversions itself.

More details can be found in Microsoft Docs.


"How to change the CP_ACP?" - "I don't (want) to change the system default codepage."

Well, you have to choose. CP_ACP is the system default codepage.