
I've been reading a few (basic) tutorials about shaders. So far they've covered how to set variables in your shader. But this was only about ints, floats or vectors. I can't find anything about how to set a mat4 variable. My shader expects the following:

uniform vec3 CameraPos;
uniform mat4 ModelWorld4x4;

So the camera position and the world matrix of a model. I think i have the CameraPos right, but how on earth do i set the ModelWorld4x4 variable??

This is how i set the vector3

campos = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id(), "CameraPos");
glUniform3f(campos, 0.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f);

This is (one of the methods) how i tried to set the mat4

glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelworld);
modelw = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id(), "ModelWorld4x4");
glUniformMatrix4fv(g_modelworld4x4, modelworld); // Not working

I'm using the Assimp library to load a model, so currently the world matrix is stored in the aiMatrix4x4 struct.

// world matrix of the model
aiMatrix4x4 m = nd->mTransformation;

// Save in a global variable
g_modelworld4x4 = m;

2 Answers


Make sure that you are using ModelWorld4x4 in your shader so that it doesn't simply get compiled out. Assuming g_modelworld4x4 is a float *, this works for me:

int location = glGetUniformLocationARB(program, "ModelWorld4x4");
glUniformMatrix4fvARB(location, 1 /*only setting 1 matrix*/, false /*transpose?*/, g_modelworld4x4;

You might need to drop the ARB from the function names depending on how your function calls are declared.


You cannot call glUniformMatrix4fv the way you wrote it. The function is defined as

void glUniformMatrix4fv(    GLint   location,
GLsizei     count,
GLboolean   transpose,
const GLfloat *     value);

In your case, you must call it with glUniformMatrix4fv (modelw, 1, GL_FALSE, modelworld) which should work (assuming the matrix is stored column-major on the host.) Otherwise, pass GL_TRUE to transpose it on-the-fly.