I'm facing a dilemma working with an Ext-JS GridPanel: the data used to load its store is dynamic so I don't know beforehand how many rows will need to be shown on the grid.
As such, I'm having a hard time with the grid's height: I've tried setting autoHeight to true but the grid will only display the first row, hiding the rest; when I set its height explicitly, white space appears on the grid if the number of rows doesn't fill the space specified by the height.
Ideally, the grid should expand/shrink vertically to show all of its rows. Is there any way to make the grid's height dynamic, based on the number of rows it'll contain?
I could wait for the grid to render, get a count of rows and recalculate the grid's height based on that but it seems hacky and I'm looking for something cleaner.
This is my code for reference:
var store = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({fields:[{name: 'sign_up_date'}, {name: 'business_name'}, {name: 'owner_name'}, {name: 'status'}]});
// buildResultsArray is a method that returns arrays of varying lengths based on some business logic. The arrays can contain no elements or up to 15
var resultsGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: store,
columns: [
{id: "sign_up_date", header: "Sign Up Date", dataIndex: "sign_up_date", width: 70},
{id: "business_name", header: "Business Name", dataIndex: "business_name", width: 100},
{id: "owner_name",header: "Owner Name", dataIndex: "owner_name", width: 100},
{id: "status", header: "Sign Up Status", dataIndex: "status", width: 70}
stripeRows: true,
columnLines: true,
enableColumnHide: false,
enableColumnMove: false,
enableHdMenu: false,
id: "results_grid",
renderTo: "results_grid_div",
//height: 300,
autoHeight: true,
selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: false})
Thanks for the help.