
If i have AlphaBunde that is parent of BetaBundle how can i extend a twig block without overriding the entire template?

How can i import the routes that exist only in BetaBundle?


2 Answers


You cannot extend a block in Twig. You can overload it if you extend a template (and call parent() which kind of works as inheritance).

If you extend bundle you can overload its controllers or resources. I don't think you can really extend a template from a parent bundle because of how the paths are resolved. You can read more about it in the Extending a Bundle documentation chapter.

Also, How to use Bundle Inheritance to Override parts of a Bundle might clarify few things.

Remember to check Overriding Bundle Templates to learn how to overload templates in an application.

About routes: I think you'll have to define each route in your application's configuration file if you want to import them selectively.


If you want to use template from another bundle and you do not want to override whole template you use this:

// Your file in ProjectAplhaBundle index.html.twig

{% extends "ProjectBetaBundle::layout.html.twig" %}

{% block content %}
    {{ parent() }}
    Somethings added to the existing content    
{% endblock %}

For routing from just BetaBundle remove all routes (routing.yml in app folder) and leave just one with something like this:

    resource: "@ProjectBetaBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /

Then you specify all your routes in @ProjectBetaBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml

I hope that helps. Cheers