
I have MS Access database file with german umlauts in text fields. When i try to read them i have strings with ? characters instead of characters with umlauts. I try to set different characters set for database connection like properties.setProperty("charSet", "Cp1252"); but it is not work (i try cp1250, cp1251, utf8, utf16, iso-8859-1 characters sets). My system characters set is Cp1251, and when i create the MS Access database with russians characters, the russian characters imports successfully.

I found that it can be bug in the jdbc driver, but i am not sure: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6345277

If anybody knows how this problem can be solved, please tell me about.

Please specify which JDBC/ODBC bridge implementation are you using? It is difficult to guess.Eric B.
It is sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriverAnton

1 Answers


I am assuming that you are using the stock Sun implementation of the jdbc-odbc connector that has been around for years. That implementation is always described as a reference implementation and should not be used for production purposes. I have also tried using it in the past only to find significant errors and features that are unsupported (ex: foreign keys, etc). There are other commercial implementations that supposedly solve many of these problems. I say supposedly as I never bought one so I cannot vouch for their functionality, but their docs indicate that they are much more complete.

Take a look here to see if any of the listed drivers meet your needs.

I also just found JaySQL Lite. Maybe that can help you out if it meets your needs.