The start of the structure is as follows...
UITabBarController -> UINavigationController(s)
From each of the UINavigationControllers, I have a UIBarButtonItem that modally presents a UIViewController.
This UIViewController has a MKMapView with pins at multiple locations. When clicked, they display an annotation with a disclosure button.
Within this UIViewController, it is my intention to push a detail page (UITableViewController) when pressing the disclosure button of the annotation. The method calloutAccessoryControlTapped: receives the appropriate pin, but the transition to the next controller fails.
I have tried every combination of the following methods...
- [self.navigationController ...]
- [self.parentViewController ...]
- [self.parentViewController.navigationController ...]
with the method being either...
- presentModalViewController:
- pushViewController:
I have done all of these with the UIViewController being on its own, and also with it embedded inside of a UINavigationController.
All of these properties return null...
- self.navigationController
- self.parentViewController
- self.parentViewController.navigationController
This is the first time I've used storyboard for an Xcode project. Am I missing a step?