
I implemented Solr SpellCheck Component based on the document from http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpellCheckComponent , it works good. But i am trying to filter the spell check result based on some other filter. Consider the following schema

product_spell -> copy string from product_name and product_text . And tokenized using white space analyzer

For the above schema, i am trying to filter the spell check result based on provided category. I tried querying like . Spellcheck results does not consider the product_category:160

Is it because the dictionary was build for all the categories? If so is it a good idea to create the dictionary for every category?

Is it not possible to have another filter condition in spellcheck component?

I am using solr 3.5


1 Answers


I previously understood from the SOLR-2010 issue that filtering through the fq parameter should be possible using collation, but it isn't, I think I misunderstood.

In fact, the SpellCheckComponent has most likely a separate index, except for the DirectoSolrSpellChecker implementation. It means the field you select is indexed in a different index, which contains only the information about that specific field you chose to make spelling corrections.

If you're curious, you can also have a look how that additional index looks like using luke, since it's of course a lucene index. Unfortunately filtering using other fields isn't an option there, simply because there is only one field there, the one you use to make spelling corrections.