
if someone have Instagram on his iPhone try to tap on the raised center button in the tabbar, the button for posting new images.

It seems to present a modal view controller without animation, right?

The view controller is an UIImagePickerController with a camera overlay? I ask this because if you try to take a photo and click OKAY, you'll can see the next controller within a UINavigationController. In this way you can go back and retake the photo or go forward and posting it.

How this is possible? How can I present a navigation controller with an UIImagePickerController and push others view controller after the picker?


1 Answers


I think it is just presenting UINavigationController as a modal view controller on top of the UIImagePickerController. When you press 'Filter' button to come back to the photo, it does not navigate in a way that UINavigationController does. I think it is overriding the back button ('Filter' button) and dismissing the entire UINavigationController.

What I found interesting was that when the UINavigationController shows up, there is an animation that slides the new view from right to left. My guess is that the rootViewController of the UINavigationController is an empty transparent view, and the next view (that contains caption and sharing option etc) is pushed on the navigation stack after short delay.

I didn't think about it, but it is interesting to observe! :)